Ice Bear SoftTaming the Evil Acid (theatre play for children)

A fairy-tale in which sulfuric acid accidentally escaped from a lab, ate whatever it found and how it was finally caught and served to people.


1. Performance
2. Plot
3. List of songs
4. From the rehearsal
5. Video of the première
6. Screenplay
7. Wikipedia links

1. Performance

Screenplay: Zdeněk Wagner

Director: Václav Slovák

Professor   Václav Slovák
Sulfuric acid, village woman, backstage voice   Jana Štefelová
Inspector, charwoman   Marie Solárová
Recording clerk, Helen, Luke   Petra Veselá
Judy, Mark   Jiří Kalina
Monica, Jack   Tomáš Zelenka
Village woman, acrylo nitrile   Lenka Bláhová
Village woman, television   Kateřina Trčková
Village man, lead   Martin Mucha
Village man, lead   Marek Mucha
Butadiene   Eva Kinnertová
Styrene   Tomáš Čeplík
Bulb   Gabriela Hotová
Electro-motor   Petr Buchta
Skier   Veronika Bandevská
Skier   Jana Novotná
Dynamo   Zlata Benková

Music: Běla Kučírková, Dušan Axman

Première: Ostrava (Czech Republic), 25 June 2013, 10 o'clock, Chemistry at the castle (in Czech only)

2. Plot

Professor with three technicians carries out the research work. He explains them in a song what scientific research is. However, the technicians are hurrying home. They leave a beaker with sulfuric acid on a table. A charwoman pushes the beaker and thus the acid leaves the lab for nature.

Sulfuric acid is a strong corrosive. It eats whatever it finds, especially objects made of metals.

Professor tries to find the sulfuric acid. He shows how dangerous the acid is. Not wishing to lose time he leaves and continues on searching the sulfuric acid.

In the meantime the villagers talk about a strange water that eats whatever it finds. It is said that the name of the water is sulfuric acid. Three men, Mark, Luke, and Jack are passing the village when going for a trip. They explain in a song what the sulfuric acid is, how useful it is in a lab and in industry but how dangerous in nature.

After Mark's, Luke's, and Jack's leave the professor comes looking for the sulfuric acid. The villagers get angry with him and take him to the committe for examination of breaking safety rules. The charwoman gives her witness.

Mark, Luke, and Jack are returning from their unsuccessful trip because the sulfuric acid ate the bridge where they planned to cross the river. At that time the charwoman is coming saying that the sulfuric acid is approaching the village. Mark, Luke, and Jack decide to save the village. They take three monomers, namely acrylo nitrile, butadiene, and styrene and let them react to create an ABS co-polymer. They made a vessel of it and catch the sulfuric acid in it. Two pieces of lead are emerged in it and form a lead-acid battery that supplies electricity for various devices.

3. List of songs

4. From the rehearsal

Song Polymer, in Czech with Hindi subtitles. Mark, Luke and Jack preparing the acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) co-polymer in order to make a vessel for catching the sulfuric acid.

Advice: if the Hindi subtitles do not appear, select them after clicking to the bottom right, see the picture.

The subtitles cannot be displayed in the Safari browser on iPad but can be viewed in the YouTube App, see the picture:

5. Video of the première

Duration 1 hour 4 minutes, in Czech without subtitles.

6. Screenplay

Download the screenplay (in Czech only): h2so4.pdf

7. Wikipedia links